First Post of 2015

It's 2015! Hooray! I always look forward to a new year and I get excited for all of the experiences that will happen within it. Lord knows that a lot certainly happened for me in 2014. Sometimes it's hard to believe that so much can happen in such a short 12 months. 

Change of subject: Oregon was wonderful! I love my family and enjoyed just spending time and talking. Each time I return home I realize how truly beautiful the state is and how spoiled I was growing up. So insanely gorgeous, and the atmosphere, although quirky, will always be a source of comfort and amusement for me. I love Oregon, and although Texas has a new place in my heart, Oregon will forever be my first love. With that in mind, I will say that prior to leaving, and upon my return, I did quite struggle with the concept of staying here in Texas. I know I need to be here now, but it is difficult to live 2500 plus miles away from your family. I usually put on a brave face and don't show how much it hurts but, it wears on my emotions. My family remains supportive and they are very present in my life, but distance does have an impact, and it's just difficult. Most people my age won't truly understand this, unless they too have taken the leap out of the nest and into foreign territory. Here is the deal, if you don't live at home, chances are that your parents are within the same state or a mere few hours driving distance. Appreciate your family. 

Life is starting to take shape here. I am a part of the praise singing team's leadership now, which came as a wonderful surprise. I am quite nervous, but also excited. I will be learning to play the piano again, after about 10 years of not playing. "Rusty" is an understatement.

I am also focusing on getting out of debt. By the end of this month I will have paid off my second and final credit card, at which point I can focus on my student loans. My goal is to pay those off by 2020 (if not sooner). 

My health will also take a front seat, as I realize that time is continually pushing forward and I am not getting any younger. I bought my first ever gym membership on Friday, and I am so excited to get moving again. Monday (tomorrow) will be my first workout with Mr. Allen Martinez as my trainer and workout partner. 

2015 will be an amazing year. I'm choosing to take control of my life and to make and achieve my goals. Life is to be lived and to be enjoyed. Let's do more than just exist in 2015!


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